Welcome Message
from the President
Dear New Students,
A very warm welcome to all of you to The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) family!
Congratulations on your hard works that have led you to this new chapter in your life. In the years ahead, there will be endless possibilities, along with challenges, growth and unforgettable experiences at EdUHK. Embrace university life with an open mind, broaden your horizons, push your boundaries and make the most of it.
With a rich legacy of more than 140 years and celebrating her 30th Anniversary with an accompanying tagline “Education Talent Virtue” (育才弘教 立德樹人), EdUHK is committed to fostering students’ positive values and virtues, as well as whole-person development through stages of intellectual progression and multi-faceted extra-curricular activities. There is a wide range of on-campus support services designed to enhance your studies, personal growth, social skills and professional development. Our scholars and staff members are here to guide and support you along the way to realising your full potential. I hope you will embrace diversity, make new friends, understand our nation and explore the world. Approach the future with an inquisitive mind and relentless enthusiasm underpinned by positive values, and develop a sense of responsibility to contribute to society, as well as our country and the world.
To ease your transition into campus life, we have designed this orientation website specifically for new students. It covers a variety of useful information and resources, including orientation activities, academic support services and university life planning programmes. A fruitful and robust campus life awaits you at EdUHK.
I look forward to meeting you all!
Professor John Lee Chi-Kin
The President