General Education

General Education (GE) is designed to prepare students to be active agents of change, by broadening their intellectual horizons, helping them make connections among different areas of knowledge between their formal studies and life outside the classroom, and strengthening their capacity for sound thinking and good judgement. GE offers a varied but balanced mix of individual courses across a range of subject areas and disciplines, set within an integrated structure of General Education Foundation Course, General Education Breadth Courses, Experiential Learning and University ePortfolio.

General Education Foundation Course

  • 4 credit points
  • Compulsory
  • To be taken in the first year of study
  • Medium of Instruction: English
  • Lectures (video & face-to-face) + Tutorials

General Education Breadth


  • General Education Breadth Courses are composed of 3 components
  • General Education Breadth Learning Strands (1-3) (3 credit points)
  • Strand 1: Persons, Interpretations, Perspectives
  • Strand 2: Community, Society, Culture
  • Strand 3: Nature, Science, Technology
  • Positive and Values Education Course(s) (13 credit points)
  • General Education Interdisciplinary Courses (3 credit points)

  • 3+3 credit points
  • One course from GELS from Strands 1 to 3 (3 credit point) and one PAVE Course (3 credit points)
  • Normally to be taken upon the completion of the GEFC
  • Students are also allowed to take the GEFC and the GELS/ PAVE Course concurrently in Year 1 Semester 2 if they are interested and their curriculum schedule allows.
  • Year 1 students who have been granted credit transfer for the GEFC (due to change of programme within EdUHK) can start taking GELS/ PAVE Course in Year 1 Semester 1.
  • Medium of Instruction: English/ Chinese

  • 3 credit points
  • Compulsory
  • To be taken from Year 2 Semester 2 to Year 3 Semester 1
  • To be taken after completion of any GELS or PAVE Course(s). (No pre-requisite for Senior Year Entrants)
  • Medium of Instruction: Englis

  • Items 1

Experiential Learning

  • 6 credit points
  • Take 1 Co-curricular and Service Learning Course (3 credit points) and 1 Experiential Learning Course (3 credit points)
  • Medium of Instruction: English/ Chinese

Students are allowed to take courses in Experiential Learning starting from Year 1, both courses should be completed before final year. Remarks: DD students are not required to take the Experiential Learning Course.

Students are allowed to take 1 Co-curricular and Service Learning Course starting from Year 1. The course should be completed before final year. On the other hand, students are required to take the new compulsory Experiential Learning Course on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation” in Year 2 (the study semester will be assigned by GEO). Remarks: Students in Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies, Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Artificial Intelligence and Educational Technology and Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sports Science and Coaching programmes are required to take the Experiential Learning Course on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation” in Year 1 Semester 2.

University ePortfolio

  • 3 credit points
  • Compulsory
  • Medium of Instruction: English

For cohorts 2019/20 and after:

To be taken after completion of all General Education Breadth Courses required

Students have to take the University ePortfolio course in the study semester assigned by individual programmes as follows:

BEd/DD Programmes: Year 4 Semester 1

Non-BEd Programmes: Year 3 Semester 2 (Senior year entry: Year 4 Semester 1)


  1. Students have to keep all learning artefacts/ documents/ records for the construction of University ePorfolios throughout their undergraduate studies.
  2. As EdUHK students are expected to follow the General Academic Regulations and to attend every scheduled session of a course, a standard attendance requirement is now set up across the General Education courses. The minimum attendance requirement is 80%. Students who are absent from a prolonged period, or for more than the 20% of the contact time allowed, in a course without prior permission from the Course Instructor and Programme Leader/ Coordinator will be given a grade F (Fail) by their course tutors/ supervisors.
  3. Disclaimer – Any aspect of the course and course offerings (including, without limitation, the content of the course and the manner in which the course is taught) may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the University. Without limiting the right of the University to amend the course and its course offerings, it is envisaged that changes may be required due to factors such as staffing, enrolment levels, logistical arrangements and curriculum changes.
  4. Individual programmes may have different requirements on study sequence and individual GE course pre-requisite(s). Students are advised to check with their programme offices before course registration.