E-learning, ePortfolio and ITCE

The Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC) is an academic and professional supporting unit at The Education University of Hong Kong. It aims to enhance student learning outcomes by applying digital technology to support the development of e-Learning and digital competency, innovation of learning and teaching, and the improvement and innovation of assessment at the University.

e-Learning and Digital Competency Development and ePortfolio Workshops

LTTC offers various workshops on e-Learning and digital competency development, and ePortfolio building to students. The Centre also co-organises workshops with faculties and departments on the use of other e-Learning tools and related pedagogical strategies in support of the University’s implementation of e-Learning and Digital Competency Strategy. Students are welcome to enroll in the workshops by visiting the LTTC website.

User Guides in e-Learning and ePortfolio Platforms

LTTC has developed various online user guides for Moodle, Sway and Google Sites to support students. Students are welcome to get the related self-learning materials from the LTTC website.

Generic Intended Learning Outcomes (GILOs)

LTTC administers a self-assessment questionnaire for measuring students’ self-perceived achievement on GILOs. Students will receive an individual report which helps them to write reflection and set learning goals through ePortfolios. LTTC also provides insights for students to connect GILOs to their learning and teaching.

Information Technology Competency in Education (ITCE)

In recognition of the impact of technologies in education, students have to fulfill the Information Technology Competency in Education (ITCE) requirement before graduation by completing one of the pathways, including IT ePortfolio Checking, Student Teacher Education Programme (STEP) and Artificial Intelligence Literacy (AIL) Pathway. For details, please refer to the website and the programme handbook.

Coding Education Unit

The Coding Education Unit of LTTC supports the digital competency development by offering courses, seminars, workshops and other learning and teaching activities on coding, 3D printing, STEM/STEAM education, robotics education, literacy of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and more. To provide quality environment for students to learn and create, the laboratories are well-equipped with various mobile digital devices and 3D printers. All students are welcome to enroll in the courses, seminars and workshops by visiting the LTTC website.