Course Registration
When to do course registration
New students of the full-time undergraduate programmes will conduct online course registration during the period from 26 August 2024 to 27 August 2024 before the commencement of the new academic year. Students will be assigned a time ticket which governs the start date and time at which a student can begin to conduct online course registration.
The time ticket will be released to you in e-SIS on or after 22 August 2024. You have to perform online course registration in e-SIS or access e-SIS via The Portal.
Add/Drop Period
When the academic semester commences, students can add or drop a course during the add-drop period or before the third class meeting.
Online add/drop of courses will only be performed during the add-drop period as specified in the academic calendar of the respective academic year (i.e. normally the first two weeks in a regular semester).